Sunday, 26 February 2012

A New Blog

I have decided to start a new blog - my old one will remain up, and can be found at but from now on, I will be posting my thoughts, opinions and perhaps poetry on this page, Ginge's Notes.  The spelling IS correct - my very good friend nicknamed me Ginge - it's a long story - No, I'm not a red-head - though there is no shame in being a person with "red hair"!.

My policy as far as comments are concerned, is that I WELCOME them, but because I do not welcome spam - I set up this blog so that all comments have to be approved by me. Most comments, whether they are in agreement or not, will be posted - unless I feel that the comment is abusive in its language or hate-filled.

Yes - I am a Christian, but not all my comments will be of a religious nature, and even when I do address hot topics, don't expect me necessarily to be singing from the same "religious hymnsheet" that my fellow believers are singing.

I am very interested in a variety of things, and I am bound to pick up on these topics in my blogs. Professionally I am involved in working with people with special needs, and I am interested matters that affect this community. Of particular interest to me, are people affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and people with learning difficulties, which includes people who have developmental delays. 

I am also interested in the performing arts, in particular ballet, and will incorporate the occasional blog about ballet too. You may get the occasional poem.

I encourage people to follow my blog, and if you have a blog - and your avatar appears on my list of followers, I will at least look at it. If it's good, I will follow it.

Well friends, soon you will see the first of my "op-eds"

Thank you

Little and Great Bookham

Miniscule marks on a map pinpoint their location, Just south of the London conurbation, Little and Great Bookham have quite a story to tell....