Friday, 29 June 2012

Maruge - Freedom Fighter

Maruge - Freedom Fighter

Maruge was a man of great courage and determination
Fighting in his life for two kinds of liberation
Against the British he took a stand, and
Fought for the freedom of his land
Then many years later, in his old age,
He commenced the battle of the page.

A call came over the radio, "Education for All"
Eighty-Four year old Maruge reported for school
The teachers and officials were greatly perplexed
Why the old man did not go home and relax.
"Go home Bwana, your chance you've missed"
But the hunger for knowledge made Maruge persist

By sheer determination Maruge won his place
in the First Grade to start the education race.
Alongside combatants a twelfth of his age
The war against illiteracy they began to wage
The struggle for letters is not easily overcome
Mastered by repetition like the beating of the drum

The war was long over, The British had gone
For Maruge, true freedom was not yet won.
He was not there yet but it was within sight
All he needed was learn to write.
His teacher was patient, his teacher was kind,
As for the others, they were just blind.

As in every war, the enemy we need to know,
Bureaucracy, prejudice and misunderstanding were Jericho.
Education Officials and parents said it was wrong,
In the primary school, they said Maruge did not belong.
They tried to remove him by threats and innuendo,
Intimidation and transfer to make the head teacher say, "No"

Mzee Kimani Nganga Maruge may have been the student,
He also helped the children as the teacher's new assistant,
We can learn from him to value education
The privilege of gaining a qualification
Difficulties and obstacles may impede our progress;
They must not stop us. Our aim is SUCCESS.

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Nevertheless - II

I lived in fear that I would not be good enough.
I dearly loved Jesus but did He really love me?
I was strongly convinced that I didn't measure up;
That I did not make the grade.

Nevertheless, I had no reason to fear because
Jesus DID love me and loves me more than I can say...

School was a torment, I was teased and called 'weird'
I couldn't play rugby - the sport of men
For cricket you need co-ords - I didn't have them.
I was small. I was weak. I didn't 'pull the girls'
I simply was not like other boys.

Nevertheless, in Jesus, my 'wierdness' was what made me unique
Far from being the OUTCAST who didn't conform
God made me this way, before I was born.

Scared to death that someone would find out
My terrible secret, my great shame;
Paralysed by fear that I'd be exposed,
Carrying on a respectable façade
All the while feeling like a complete charade.

Nevertheless, God "from whom no secrets are hid and all desires known" -
Still loves me with an EVERLASTING and UNCONDITIONAL love.

Over these many years I was at war with myself
Two sides of me - pulling me apart
Theology and experience being at such odds:
"Why, if God loves me doesn't He take it away.
I really really wanted to be rid of the 'gay'

It took a long time and I was clearly wrong
About my perception of God and His love for me
I'd become legalistic and homophobic
In jumping to conclusions about what God thought
about me - I came to the brink of drifting away!

Nevertheless, in my moment of need,
God loved me and reached out to say,
"I'm here John and I love you
Be at peace my son
I love you and I've called you and it's time to move on
I want you to serve me and be part of my plan!"

(C) 2012 - JF.

I wrote this today while at a Christian conference. I hope it blesses you. It is called Nevertheless - for an obvious reason. The II is because I previously wrote a poem (almost 8 years ago) with this title.

It speaks about my journey with regard to my sexuality - coming to terms with the fact that I was gay and the ramifications for someone who "dearly loved Jesus" and thought being gay was a GREAT SHAME.

The words "From whom no secrets are hid and all desires known" are taken from the Common Book of Prayer - though, in writing it down I reversed the phrases as I discovered it actually says "To whom all desires are known and no secrets are hid." Same words, different order.

I have appreciated the many encouraging words from friends who have written to me about my poem. I'm aware that what I say here clashes with the interpretation of some in regard to this subject - I can only say, this is where I am - you are free to disagree with me - but please just take this poem as my understanding and it is my experience and I believe the experience of many other gay Christians. If it were not for what I talk about in that last verse about God reaching out to me in my moment of need - I can truly say I may well have given up on life altogether.

If you are thinking of writing to tell me I am wrong, I will politely say that you will be wasting your time -
"Whose report do you believe - I believe the report of the LORD!" That is - what I have heard from Him.

Little and Great Bookham

Miniscule marks on a map pinpoint their location, Just south of the London conurbation, Little and Great Bookham have quite a story to tell....