Monday, 27 January 2014

Don't you know?

Don't you know?
Haven't you heard?
I said
"Whatever you did for the least of these, you did for me - 
whatever you did to the least of these, you did to me"

Don't you know?
Haven't you heard?
I said
"If you disown me before others, I will disown you before my Father"

Don't you know?
Haven't you heard?
I said
"Judge not, or you will be judged"

Don't you know?
Haven't you heard?
I said,
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and strength 
 and love your neighbour as you love yourself"

So you call it 'love' when you slam the door in your daughters face
Because she loves someone of a different race?
So you call it 'love' when you write you son out of your will
because he's going to marry Bill?

I tell you whatever you did to those whom you view to be the least you did to me

If you take the good gifts I gave you and throw them in the trash 
(regarding them as cheap), 
you have thrown me onto that self-same heap!

Don't you know?
Haven't you heard? 
I said,
"Love one another as I have loved you"

So you call it 'love' when you use your authority 
to shout at, denounce and shame,
The children in my name?

I command you to be quiet
Listen to my voice
Love one another and 
Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice!

Little and Great Bookham

Miniscule marks on a map pinpoint their location, Just south of the London conurbation, Little and Great Bookham have quite a story to tell....