Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Break out

I wrote this some time ago and entered it for a poetry competition. Unfortunately it did not win any prize so I have decided to put it up on my own page. Hope you like it.

Break Out

Break out of
Holy huddles in hallowed halls
harmonising humdrum hymns or hollering hallelujah
harping on about how humanity is heading to hell in a handbasket, while
hating homos, hoodies, Hindus, and other heterogenous humans,
harbouring hostility towards the homeless, however they lost their housing, in
Harringay, Hackney, Havering, Homerton, Hoxton, Highbury or Hounslow.
Holding on to historical notions about the
hierarchy in church and society if you believe in the existence of society, that is,
helping yourselves to as much as you can hold  God helps those who help themselves
heaping blame for all societal ills on the “workshy” unemployed Scroungers
and “immigrants” who came to steal our jobs.
handing out hand-outs and hand-me-downs to the “helpless handicapped”
holding placards outside hospitals,
Howling abuse about abortions
Harrumphing in haughty disgust, with mumblings about
Heresy, when someone questions, let alone, disagrees with what you say
Wholly forgetting what humility is
Hoping to have a horde of heavenly points Shining up your halo

Break out, Reach out, Touch -
Head for the high streets, houses and hangouts
Hearing, Helping and Connecting with humanity.
Handing out food to the Hungry and
Heeding God’s call to
Herald His amazing unconditional love.

Little and Great Bookham

Miniscule marks on a map pinpoint their location, Just south of the London conurbation, Little and Great Bookham have quite a story to tell....