Saturday, 2 February 2019

Disposable Income - Indispensable People

Money makes the world go round
Buying, selling, receiving, and giving
Dollar, Euro, Yes, Rand and Pound
Is this where happiness is found?
Some have lots of them - too many have none.

Many people weigh other people’s value
By the balance the balance they have in their bank account
And the monetary value of their material assets:
Fancy cars, fashionable clothes,
Foreign currency, fabulous homes, etc.
Is this what life is all about?

The well healed look down on the down-trodden
Those born to privilege of wealth
With the proverbial silver spoon in the mouth,
Sneer disapprovingly at the single mum,
Struggling to make ends meet,
To feed her children, have a safe place to sleep.

Many sleeping on the cold, hard street,
Lives disrupted by crises caused by
Credit-crunches and stock-market-bubbles bursting
Because selfish, sly, stock-brokers steal
From Faceless victims as they massage the money,
Making it seem like something super when
It’s nothing but a scam.

Many hard-working people put away a bit each month
For the day when they could relax and retire,
Trusting their “Financial Friends” to do the right thing,
But, in a flash and a bang, there were reserves were gone,
And with therm, their security.
They turn to the state and appeal
“Please help us” they squeal
But they are harshly told to “Get in line!”

Meanwhile the wealthy moan about the “Worthless Workshy” spinning their tales of woe,
All the while milking the system for all its worth
Ferreting away their surplus filthy lucre, so they don’t have to pay their fair share.
Money should not be the measuring rod,
Wielded to weigh a person’s worth./

Our worth is our being - HUMAN BEING
We are of inestimable worth because
We are - people.

Wherever we were born
Whatever is our heritage
Whether born with a title - or a foundling deserted by family
We have value

“Created Equal”
With the Freedom to find our place -
The freedom to be - whoever

With the right, as children,
To protection and nurture, education, recreation,
To be healthy, or at least the means to healthcare if we are ill,
And comfort, if we are scared
With a right, as older people
To dignity and respect, shelter and self-determination (if that’s safely achievable)

Most of all,
For everyone,
Acceptance and Love

Little and Great Bookham

Miniscule marks on a map pinpoint their location, Just south of the London conurbation, Little and Great Bookham have quite a story to tell....