Sunday, 28 July 2019

Poetry at Pride - Waltham Forest Pride 2019

Yesterday, at Pride I was scheduled to read one of my poems but due to the inclement weather, that part of the program that was going to take place in the open air was understandably cancelled.

But I prepared it including some introductory thoughts and so if you might indulge me, I would like to share with you what I was going to say, including, of course the poem.

Homophobia takes many forms and they are it all to do with sexual activity.

You might have seen recently a news item about a nine year old boy called Charlie, whose love for musical theatre has turned him, unfairly into a target of bullies at school. This understandably made Charlie sad. His drama teacher posted on Twitter about this, and asked people to respond with the hashtag #CheerupCharlie, which the Musical Theatre community with stars from the West End sending great encouraging messages. 

You might rightly ask, "Why in 2019 in the UK, is a boy's interest in musical theatre - singing and dancing - a cause for people to pick on him and abuse him, physically, verbally and emotionally?" 

The reason is, as I see it there are very strong gender-based stereotypes about what boy's are girls are supposed to like. 

This is my answer to those stereotypes, written in December 2014. 

Some boys like to play with trucks
Other boys like dolls
Some boys practice rugby rucks
Others, gymnastic flicks and rolls,
All that could be said of girls,
Some like their hair short, others in curls

A toy’s a toy, a plaything, a tool,
A thing that they learn with, at home or in school.
One child wears jeans and a t-shirt,
Another, a blouse and skirt,
Whether girl or boy, it doesn’t really matter
Help the child feel good, whether thin, or fatter.

“Your gender-blender agenda,” I hear you declaim,
“It’ll bring us all down! it’s such a shame!”
I don’t know this agenda of which you speak,
What I know is, God made us all unique.
Now let me tell you that’s not my game,
I don’t want all children to be the same.

Boxing or Ballet,
That should be A-okay,
Doesn't matter what people say,
They don't make you lesbian, bi, straight or gay.
Many achievements towards which children aspire,
Whoever they are, let them do as they desire.

Some people take toys out of boxes, then
They put their children in,
Nicely labeled, each one to define
Girl aged six, boy aged nine.
Toys can fire a child’s imagination,
Help them discover, they’re a special creation.
© J. Fairlamb 28-12-14.

Little and Great Bookham

Miniscule marks on a map pinpoint their location, Just south of the London conurbation, Little and Great Bookham have quite a story to tell....