Monday, 15 July 2013

Break Out

Break out of holy huddles in hallowed halls
Harmonising humdrum hymns or hollering hallelujahs
Harping on about how humanity is heading to hell in a handbasket while
Hating homosexuals whores, homeless people (they must have done something to deserve their fate),
Hindus and other heterogeneous people.

Holding on to historical notions about the
Heirarchy of the church and society, (if you acknowledge that society exists, that is.)
Helping ourselves to as much as we can (God helps those who help themselves),
Heaping blame for all societal ills on the "workshy" unemployed. (scroungers).

Handing out religious tracts to people who cannot read, or
Holding placards outside hospitals, announcing impending disaster on women who have had abortions
Hoping to gain a horde of heavenly points for a future celestial reward (As if salvation is not quite enough).
And harrumphing in haughty disgust with mumblings about heresy
When someone dares to question, let alone disagree with what we say, wholly forgetting what true humility is...

Break out, Reach out, Touch -
Head for highstreets and houses
Hearing, helping and connecting with humanity
Heeding the call of God
Telling of His amazing unconditional love.

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