Thursday, 13 November 2014

Silence. Noise. Sound.


Is there really such a thing as                             silence?
It depends on what you mean by                       silence.
A complete absence of sound? Impossible     silence!
Being quiet, not talking. Realisable                    silence!

Sharp! Painful!
Rock-concert - throbbing loudspeakers
Bellowing out the BOOM, BOOM, BOOM of the base drum and
Ear-splitting screeches of the electric guitar and
Vocalists’ vicious incomprehensible vocals.

Fields of war! Sonic boom as the fighter jets break the sound barrier.
BANG, BANG, BANG as bombs land and devastate
Ratatatat of gunfire, from semi-automatic weapons.
Screams of pain, fear and grief.
Harsh shouts of combatant commanders barking out orders.

A busy city. Constant rumble and moan of industry and transportation.
Shouts of sirens, blasts of hooters and the BEEP, BEEP, BEEP of reversing HGV’s
Ring tones and pings of busy smartphones.
YAK, YAK, YAK of one-sided conversation
Talk on the radio, Talk on the TV.
Words by the million, but not much listening
Having much to say but not actually saying much.

Inside my head!
like a hectic cityscape,
Worries blaring out like an abandoned car-alarm.

The gentle trickle of water as the brook flows over stones and between the bulrushes.
The occasional plop plop of a trout surfacing to catch a flying insect, or
Dabchick dipping beneath to catch a minnow and the
Rustle of a squirrel hopping in the high grass.

The whoosh and whistle of the wind bending boughs and branches in the forest and on the farms.
The percussion and pitter-patter of raindrops colliding with the ground and with the water.
The crash and bang of thunder as flashes of lightening brighten the horizon.

The cry and squawk of the cheeky seagulls circling and searching for scraps on the sand.
The splish-splash of waves landing on the stoney shoreline, one after the other.
The squeals of delight from children as their toes touch the cool sea water.

Inside my head!
The tuneful lullaby that relaxes,
A calm assurance that God is in control and He loves me.

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