Monday, 9 March 2015

My Wilderness

Forty years I wandered!
I wondered "Who am I?"
Do I belong
Or am I a stranger
Looking on

I went through the waters 
Like of every other
Carried on the arms of my mother
I had the sense I didn't fit in
Because my heart was "infected by sin"

Unclean, unclean!
They had me call.
And live outside the camp
Heal me, heal me, make me whole
Rid me of this curse of difference!

Oh my God, why am I condemned?
When I found you and you found me.
I cleaned you up, out and in
I did not leave a speck of sin
There is no reason to feel condemned.

I was all alone in great despair
When I heard Him say to me
John, my child, why are you there?
Don't you know I set you free?
Who I set free, is free, indeed!

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