Sunday, 10 December 2017

Finding God

Where do you go to, my friend, when you're alone in your head?"
What is the journey you take while you lie still on your bed?

I don't meet to travel so far,
Chasing after an elusive star!
I do not need to spend months or years,
To climb a mountain in the Himalayas

Some people, like tumbleweed,
Get blown about this way then that.
Some people, like a stagnant pond,
Stay put, slowly being suffocated
By the smothering of water-weed.

Tumbleweed trippers want the latest things
Look out for trends
Life is exciting and "on-the go"
Forget about commitment and settling down
That is boring - we have need for speed -
Then suddenly, something happens that
Stops us in our tracks
This life of haste starts to show its cracks.

The Pond ponderers, like to think things thoroughly through,
Always take a more conservative view.
Their reactions are ponderous and slow .
They hesitate and hold back,
Dare not take risks,
Make a single mistake.
Tradition, tradition, it's the only way,
Things should stay just as they are,
All this 'progress' is going too far.
The problem is we cannot have a contingency
For every eventuality
-for things outside our control.
If we don't move quickly,
We will fall into a hole.

So what IS the answer, I hear you cry?
How do we live life before we die?

To be honest, my friend, I do not know.
I think we can live it, both too fast, and too slow
All I would say, is we should do our best,
To love ourselves and each other
And trust God for the rest.

We're all on a journey of discovery,
Of what it means "to be me"
The best you can be is to try and be real,
Discover who you are and what you can do -
And make every effort to be you -
Through and through.

God is not distant and hard to reach.
God is with you, inside you and around,
The presence of God does abound
On a mountain, by a lake,
On a city street or country lane,
In a bus or on an aeroplane.
God is there, no matter who or what,
We can find God everywhere.

© J. Fairlamb 2017

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