Wednesday, 24 February 2021

A New Kind of Christian" by Brian D McLaren

 I have been reading this book and am almost finished reading it, but thought I would share a brief review. 

When I started reading it some time ago, I didn't realise that it is a theology book in the form of a novel. I know that sounds weird - how could I not realise it was a novel?  The author wrote in the first person, as one of the characters in his story, but I thought the author was relating something personal to himself. The character, "Dan" was a church pastor at the end of his tether and ready to pack in the pastoring and exploring his options going forward. I am not going to give you any spoilers as to what happens, but suffice to say, it was a fascinating story and more importantly chock full of very challenging thoughts about how we think about God, the Bible and Christianity. 

I at one stage unfortunately mislaid the book before I finished it, and was very worried that I had lost it. However much to my relief I found it again and started reading again. 

I am considering reading the book again with the aid of the reader's guide at the back of the book - questions and notes written by Timothy Keel. 

The book doesn't contain the full story like any good novel it finishes with a cliff-hanger. There are two other books which having read this one, I am keen to read. 

The book is published by SPCK Publishing, London, England. First published in Great Britain in 2013. 

ISBN 978-0-281-06990-3

Also available as an eBook with ISBN 978-0-281-06994-1

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